Ready to record your new music video? Need a promo video? Wedding coming up and want to capture your most precious moments? Look no further. We're here to help!
We have promo deals to get access to your numbers and likes up on your videos. Ask us about our weekly and monthly promo specials. Your video just might make it on our Indie Artist Spotlight!
Want the freshest shots? Have an album coming up? Just needs some new pics for your site? Need to update your portfolio or just want to have a photo shoot? We have a very good photographer on hand ready to help get your best shot!

SoFresh Mov-Ez Studio is a videography and photography studio based in Greensboro, NC. The studio, founded in 2019 is a new branch under to parent company, SoFresh Entertainment Group, which was founded in 2011.
Are you looking to get your new music video recorded? Got a wedding or event coming up that you want captured? Need to update your portfolio for your modeling gig? Got some new music videos you want the world to see but don’t know how to put it out? Look no further, SoFresh Mov-Ez has your back. Just head over to the ‘GET A QUOTE’ page, tell us what you need, and we’ll take it from there.
Here at SoFresh Mov-Ez, we have awesome video packages, promotional distribution deals, and photography packages.
Come check us out. We look forward to working with you and bringing your vizions to life!

SoFresh Mov-Ez Studio Quote Form
Fill this out if you'd like a quote for your project. For general questions, email sofreshentgrp@gmail.com